Do you lie awake nights wondering who the officers of TBI are and how they got here? Yeah, neither does anyone else, but now that we’re talking about it, you may be curious about who these women are.
Wonder no more! All will be revealed at the February Spotlight luncheon. Marilyn Parver will bring her television experience to our TBI luncheon to draw out all the secrets you want to know! We may be in for some surprises – EXCITING!
- 11:00 AM – Socializing
- 11:30 AM – Speaker
- 12:00 PM – Lunch
You must RSVP and PAY for lunch by 5:00 PM, Wednesday, January 29.
No exceptions. We cannot accept walk-ins.
- If you’re bringing a friend, click HERE to give us her name.
Register with a Credit Card
To register with a credit card, click the button below.
OR Pay by Check
- Click HERE to RSVP with Kathleen Kulla, Treasurer.
- Mail a check for your lunch and the lunch of any guest to:
Kathleen Kulla
555 5th Avenue NE, Unit 1132
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Payment must be received by
5:00 PM, Wednesday, January 29.
We cannot accept walk-ins.