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We are local women from around the world who promote global understanding
through friendship.
Contact us for membership information.

February's Brewin'

Here are some fun facts and dates about our second month: the Fabulous February:

The name “February" comes from the Latin word “februarius mensis," which means “month of purification". This name is derived from the Roman festival of purification called Februa, during which people participated in ritual cleansing and washing. The festival was held in February, and the month was named after it.

Interestingly, before adopting the Latin name, Old English referred to February as “Solmonath," meaning “mud month," and sometimes as “Kale-monath," meaning “cabbage month."

  • Significant Dates

  • February 2: Groundhog Day 

  • February 12: Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday

  • February 14: Valentine’s Day 

  • February 20: Presidents’ Day (third Monday) 

  • February 29: Leap Year Day – Occurs every four years 


  • Black History Month – A month-long observance of the history and contributions of African Americans.

  • Super Bowl – An annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL), usually held on the first Sunday of February.

Upcoming Events


This is a quick summary of the next three events on our schedule. Click any of the event titles above to go to the Events page for the full listing.

Once there, click the title of any scheduled activity on the Events page for more details.

Member Birthdays

Click on any of the names below
to send a birthday greeting via email.

Member Support

We also encourage and comfort our members in times of challenge. If you are aware of any such need, please contact Heather Rush, TBI Secretary, via email.

Click here to launch an email request.